
  1. GSM modem + Asterisk

    I decide use GSM channel for local Asterisk PBX. Many info about connect GSM phone via BT or Chan_sebi/gsm_open and other. Only one problem - i havn't BT and modem. So i decide use devices which i have. First - Maple dev board (STM32 based) and UBlox proto board (LEON-G200). Voice channel use I2S link and represents as ALSA under Linux. UART link used for control/status. After some modifications (and additions) in chan_sebi i can use this device as FXS/FXO in Asterisk. Current version realize on two boards - Maple and UBlox (2 and 3 in post) but later i think make a USB module in a ~ 25x40 mm...

  2. Car/Personal Tracker with STM32 and UBlox G200/NEO5

    New car/personal tracker with STM32F103 microprocessor. Battery or only external 12V-20V power. Accelerometer, EEPROM, microSD. Plastic box 90x50x(16 or 24) mm Use Maple (Arduino compatible) IDE for programming. and in box Add SMS control as popular china device but only for compatible. Also Firmware over Air . UBlox.pde example #define DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_NONE #include "common.h" #include "usb.h" #include "usart.h" #include "gsm.h" #include "gps.h" #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <eeprom.h> #include <softi2c.h>...

  3. Firmware Over Air (FOA)

    Some projects need change firmware w/o access to device - only GPRS/RF access. This is a first part about common principal about FOA. First - we can't garanty time execution to write data to flash. Second - i want change firmware correctly (w/o lost functionality) I have only flash and ram. In common i need double flash (for old version and second part for new). Also startup code need understand which version correct and execute it. Now start to realize - divide flash to half (minus service areas). For example STM32RB contain 128Kb. 20Kb per bootloader, 8 Rb for EEPROM emulation - i have 100Kb...

  4. Maple (STM32) library for FreeRTOS

    MapleFreeRTOS library for Maple platform to implement realtime FreeRTOS . Also need change systick.c and systick.h in hardware\leaflabs\cores\maple folder Blink example: #include int ledPin = 13; // LED connected to digital pin 13 static void vLEDFlashTask( void *pvParameters ) { for(;;) { vTaskDelay( 2000 ); digitalWrite( ledPin, HIGH ); vTaskDelay( 200 ); digitalWrite( ledPin, LOW ); } } // The setup() method runs once, when the sketch starts void setup() { // initialize the digital pin as an output: pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); xTaskCreate( vLEDFlashTask, "LEDx", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE...

  5. Maple (STM32) library for CoOS

    MapleCoOS library for Maple platform to implement realtime CoOS . Also need change systick.c and systick.h in hardware\leaflabs\cores\maple folder Blink example #include <MapleCoOS.h> /* Blink Turns on an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly. * LED connected from digital pin 13 to ground. */ int ledPin = 13; // LED connected to digital pin 13 #define LCD_BLINK_PRI 3 /* Priority of 'lcd_blink' task. */ #define UART_PRINT_PRI 4 /* Priority of 'tart_print' task. */ OS_STK task_init_Stack[TASK_STK_SIZE]; /* Stack of 'task_init' task. */ OS_STK led_display_Stack[TASK_STK_SIZE...

  6. Modules for development

    New modules for future development. 1. Debugger module compatible with j-link with a small size. After upgrade to latest version 4.14d work fine with Keil and IAR. 2. STM32 module (compatible with Maple project but with a little changes in layout). Based on STM32F103RET6 microprocessor with 512Kb flash and 64Kb RAM. Power from External, USB or battery. Contain Li-Ion battery changer (MAX1555), 5V and 3.3V power regulators. 3. U-Blox GSM LEON G-200, GPS NEO-5, combo SIM+microSD holder. Also include switching power supply (or external Li-Ion battery. All pin from GSM/GPS pins available on headers...

  7. uTracker V2

    After experiments with GE865, AT90USB82/162 and NEO-5Q i decide remove CPU and use only USB-USART adapter (from SiLabs CP2102). Schematic more simple and programming with Python. Additional added GPS module power control, two buttons and LEDs. and board but after connect to host computer well known programm RSTerm (from roundsolutions.co.uk ) not work correctly with SiLabs chip CP2102. For work with GE865 via CP2102 i write own software like as RSTerm (more simplest but without problems with CP2102)....

  8. Jump to SiLabs: Step 1 - Make a Debug Tool

    Design ToolStick BA + DA pin compatible board with C8051F342 chip (with PCB USB connector). ToolStick Debug Adapter firmware available from Silabs site (as part of USB Debug Adapter Firmware Reset.exe). Original use C8051F321 chip - but no problem with port to F342 chip. Only one problem - How to program first adapter ? I use Arduino compatible board (handmake pcb with single ATmeage168P chip). Create AVR program for control C2 bus. Also C# frontend Download Blink sample to adapter and see results. Next step - test Debug Adapter firmware on F342 chip. Link to github with C# project (with exe file...

  9. Use Ruby Radius with Netup UTM5

    Ruby-radius 0.9.9 has dictionary without definition fields for UTM5 communication. This's some changes in dictionary and ruby example for Authenticate and Accounting Start/Update/Stop requests for billing. Ruby code call via FastAGI. [+] Expand dictionary # # This file contains dictionary translations for parsing # requests and generating responses. All transactions are # composed of Attribute/Value Pairs. The value of each attribute # is specified as one of 4 data types. Valid data types are: # # string - 0-253 octets # ipaddr - 4 octets in network byte order # integer - 32 bit value in big endian...

  10. Protect flash content against direct download

    This's flash request/play worlflow for CommunityServer (with or without RED5 as video storage). Updated JW player call google analytics for tracking. Query parameters encrypted and check ticket TTL.



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