
  1. GSM modem + Asterisk

    I decide use GSM channel for local Asterisk PBX. Many info about connect GSM phone via BT or Chan_sebi/gsm_open and other. Only one problem - i havn't BT and modem. So i decide use devices which i have. First - Maple dev board (STM32 based) and UBlox proto board (LEON-G200). Voice channel use I2S link and represents as ALSA under Linux. UART link used for control/status. After some modifications (and additions) in chan_sebi i can use this device as FXS/FXO in Asterisk. Current version realize on two boards - Maple and UBlox (2 and 3 in post) but later i think make a USB module in a ~ 25x40 mm...

  2. Use Ruby Radius with Netup UTM5

    Ruby-radius 0.9.9 has dictionary without definition fields for UTM5 communication. This's some changes in dictionary and ruby example for Authenticate and Accounting Start/Update/Stop requests for billing. Ruby code call via FastAGI. [+] Expand dictionary # # This file contains dictionary translations for parsing # requests and generating responses. All transactions are # composed of Attribute/Value Pairs. The value of each attribute # is specified as one of 4 data types. Valid data types are: # # string - 0-253 octets # ipaddr - 4 octets in network byte order # integer - 32 bit value in big endian...

  3. Asterisk High Availabilty

    Asterisk HA schema.

  4. External Component for 1C - Bridge to Asterisk PBX

    This component provide access from 1C to Asterisk PBX. Now only base functionality. Trunk inbound, Ringing, Hangup events and base methods - Agent Login/Logoff/Pause/Unpause and Originate. Change Global module to register this component in 1C system. See this post to changes in Asterisk dialplan (extensions.conf) Microsoft .NET 2.0 ). -->(use page source if next text not readable) Перем Asterisk1C Экспорт; . . . Процедура ПриНачалеРаботыСистемы() . . . // Запуск компонента Asterisk1C Попытка Asterisk1C = 0; ПодключитьВнешнююКомпоненту("Asterisk1C"); Если Asterisk1C = 0 Тогда Попытка Asterisk1C...

  5. How to use dialplan from Manager API

    Some times ago i need to login agent from external program (1C, Axapta etc) - no a legal path to prepare this function. I found only one powerful function Originate (this example for C# and Asterisk.NET library but pricipal are common)) OriginateAction o = new OriginateAction(); o.Channel = "Local/agent_logoff@manager_tools"; o.Timeout = timeout; o.Variable = "AGENT_NUMBER=" + localAgent; o.Application = "noop"; ManagerResponse r = manager.SendAction(o, timeout); and add to extensions.conf next context (this example for AGent Login/Logoff/Pause/Unpause). All other...



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