The latest version of firmware for the J-Link OB-STM32F072-CortexM to 26 September 2016 contains an error in the implementation of the COM transmission.
To fix you need to change a few bytes:
Address Old New
0800BD90: 90 00
0800BD91: 20 BF
0800BD92: C0 00
0800BD93: 05 BF
0800BD94: 01 00
0800BD95: 68 BF
0800BD96: 6F 00
0800BD97: 4A BF
0800BD98: 0A 00
0800BD99: 40 BF
0800BD9A: 02 00
0800BD9B: 60 BF
It may also need to connect PA7 with ground.
4 comment(s) so far
J-Link OB-STM32F072
I can't find these bytes at that files,please help me
If you can't find - i can't help you.
this version of jlink ob have drag and drop programing option i want it for for blue pill with mbed if not what firmware i could get from the DLL to get this option